Cafundó has created a virtual reality tour for Veridos' ePassport factories, a global leader in identification document technology.
Veridos, a German company that produces physical and digital identification documents (passports, IDs, etc.), approached the studio to showcase its sophisticated document manufacturing process. We blended Virtual Reality with a super-friendly host robot that guides the visitor.
Veridos' factories have maximum security status due to the sensitive nature of the work. Therefore, creating a VR experience was the solution to allow clients and partners to explore the process in-depth without restrictions. The virtual factory tour can be interactive, with the user controlling the journey, or guided, with the visitor being led by the host robot. In addition to touring the factory sections, access cards and real passports were recreated, immersing the visitor in the experience. From security check-in to holding a passport in hand, the visitor undergoes the entire cycle of implementing new and sophisticated technologies.