Stimulating learning is not an easy task and it is increasingly necessary to reinvent yourself and create alternatives that motivate students and contribute to their training.
Technological resources are revolutionizing education, creating ranges of options and possibilities. And based on that, Estúdio Criativo Cafundó created games and interactions in Augmented Reality for the Richmond Editorial Group for the covers of some of the school's materials. An application was developed, with Augmented Reality content for the cover of 5 English teaching books for children.
The experience in Augmented Reality creates a magical immersion for students, facilitating the absorption of didactic content in a faster and more practical way. To activate the content, the children position the cell phone pointing to the covers of the books where the interaction takes place. Cafundó created the project and the construction of the App, interacting with characters and scenarios, showing all the diversity of content identified with Richmond's children's audience.